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Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Update on Requirements as of June 22, 2011.

Econ: Read on paradigms, cognitive dissonance, positive & normative economics. We will also finish our discussion on subjectivity. (Makeup class tomorrow, June 23, during study period: from 3:40-4:30)

Math HW (due Monday, June 27, 2011)
a.) Research on degenerate conics. Find conditions needed to be satisfied to generate figures.
b.) Get the general equation of conics, along with the conditions on getting a circle, parabola, ellipse or hyperbola.

Long test tomorrow unless a storm comes in. @-)
Topics: from introduction to electrostatics (production of charges, Coulomb's law) to electric field (single charge, system of charges & motion of charged particles)
Bring your sci cals and notebooks (with attached syllabus and slides on electric fields.)

There might be a quiz on the Iliad tomorrow: June 23, 2011. Not sure which books, just try reading books one to two. :)

For Web Dev people:
Website plan due tomorrow, end of the period. Sample document can be found here.

If there are any corrections, feel free to react/comment/tell me. Thanks! :)

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