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Saturday, March 3, 2012

CAT ComprEx and Comm Serve

Until further notice, there will be a class on Monday. Official schedule for seniors TBA.

1. March 5, 2012
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm: Formation and ComprEx 
4:00 pm - 5:00 pm: Pasa Masid

Everyone is required to take the ComprEx. You are exempted if you went to the camping.

The ComprEx is a 100-item test. It will measure things you're supposed to know.

I. PSHS-CAT I Command Structure
II. Military Terminology
III. AFP Command Structure
IV. Mastery of Commands
V. Military History and Knowledge
VI. Heraldic Symbols/Meaning
VII. Military Courtesy/Discipline
VIII. Conceptual CAT
IX. Pasa Masid
X. Cryptography

Answer sheets will be provided. Bring blue and black pens.
This is a 40% component of your grade.

Attire: CAT uniform
Venue: Field

2. Community Service
17 hours of community service is required. If you went to the camping, you are exempted from this. Duties will be assigned.

March 12: 8:30-5:30
March 15: 7:30-5:30

Official notice will be released soon.

3. Pasa Masid
Pasa Masid will be on March. 15, 6:00 pm - 6:30 pm

For questions, please ask the high ranks.

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